+17 Lets talk about specifics.. Immediately sign the ticket or not?

I think most folks here prefer to use a trust to hold the money instead of the funds sitting in a bank account in their name.

If you sign the ticket with your real name, can you still have lawyers pick up the cash later and also sign the name of your trust/LLC on top of your name on the ticket as well?

Can you pick up the money as a trust/LLC if any other names appear on the ticket?

I am not sure how the laws work, and its probably a state by state situation, but I would be inclined to sign the ticket in absence of more knowledge.

I think I would be a nervous wreck having a winning lottery ticket and NOT signing it.

Recent responses

+7 @holy_placebo this is only hearsay, please don't take me as an expert in this subject. a winning ticket becomes a bearer bond. if you sign it you become the owner, but if you sign it "holy\_placebo llc" you could have the LLC accept the money and keep your name off the news. ​ Ok, i said it, i now invite everyone on this subreddit to tell me i'm wrong.