If I were Filthy Rich
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+314 What expensive hobby will you pick up, after your win?

Say you win a comfortable 100 mil take home cash after everything, what will be an expensive hobby that you pick up?

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+70 If I won enough to retire at 32

I would never ever use an alarm clock again. Waking up when I want. 10 million after tax would be a good number. Live on 3-4% interest. That’s it 😂.

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+128 How many of you have bought a lottery ticket?

Thinking about all the things I would do if I won the lottery is so fun but ironically I've never bought a lottery ticket. How many of you actually have bought a ticket at least once?

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+47 If you win lucky for Life jackpot, you still remaining anonymous?

Think $365,000/year, maybe $250,000 after taxes. Would you set up a blind trust? Cause I'm sure hiring the lawyer and keeping it active costs a lot. Plus, what if I want to blow a bunch of money one day, I have to go through my lawyer to get it? I'd understand it for millions of dollars...

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+18 How do you even find Advisors/Lawyers when you win BIG

Something I've always thought about. How do you find reputable and trust worthy people to help provide solid advice on what to do?

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+13 Why hire an advisor/lawyer?

Cant I just do the generic way of investment? Just spread 50% of my my winnings on a bunch of index funds from multiple brokers(in case a broker fails). Then the other 50% you spread on government and corporate bonds. Lets say interest rate is 5%, you take like 2% as your income. Reinvest the 3% ...

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+21 Anyone else ever think about going back to school after a lottery win?

Taking a few subjects in fields that really interest you and not doing it for a degree but just for fun?

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+46 Do you know someone that won a large amount of money playing the lottery?

I personally know someone that won $400K on a $5 scratch off. They immediately quit work right after winning.

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+101 If I won 20 million after taxes

I would give my parents 2 million, my brother 2 million, my best friend 1million/ pay off his debt. And put the rest where I can live off the interest. What would the tax penalties be on those gifts? I’m in cali.

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+33 How to Hire An Trusts and Estates Attorney

I understand that a trusts and estates attorney is the first person you would want to hire once you have discovered you are a big winner. My question is how would that conversation start? When looking to see who you want to work with, do you call several and just let them know you have run into...

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+79 If I won the lottery..

If I won the lottery of millions and millions of $$$ I would get me a simple homestead that I can enjoy for a very long time with solar and a water well and space to grow my own food, I would invest in something to make passive income and to pass to my kids, nothing crazy maybe storage unit bu...

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+154 1 billion dollar winner Edwin Castor’s winning ticket had grease on it (he was a mechanic)

Looks like he spent $20 when he hit the jackpot. https://www.the-sun.com/news/11888583/edwin-castro-powerball-ticket-revealed-photo-proves-winner/amp/ This story is crazy 😂

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+33 What is the very first thing you'll DO after finding out you have the winning numbers?

I will drop to my knees and thank God and Christ for everything. I am Catholic...sue me! But really. I believe winners are not random luck. That stuff is chosen from above. My belief. You can believe whatever you want and THAT IS OK! Next thing is dreaming...oh boy would I dream <3 It would ...

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+45 Any interesting stories? One time I got 5/6 numbers on the state lotto

Well one day I had my ticket, I almost completely forgot about it, but I was bored at work "may as well check this ticket I already know it's a loser" just feeling pessimistic that particular day Well my heart started beating fast, all the numbers matched up at first look, I cross ...

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+58 If I won I would build a dog and cat farm

There this 36 acres plot of land for sale in the South part Virginia Beach 3 million dollars they want for it not only would I build a small house for myself and two dogs specifically for myself. Then I would use the rest of the land divided into 8 acres each one big dogs one for medium dogs an...

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+15 Internet/Gaming Cafe

I want to create a place where people can hang out and play games. They'll have access to the best equipment and new games at an affordable hourly price. The place will also serve basic beverages and snacks or even cheap meals. I got this idea from Asian internet cafes and am wanting to bri...

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+26 Would you let an investment firm manage the money? Or you yourself?

Let's just say you took home after tax 500million. Would you invest the money yourself? Or would you hire an investment firm? I would probably let fidelity or vanguard manage the bulk of the money and hire a cpa, tax attorney but after a certain level of income, those investment firms come wi...

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+66 Throw ‘Em Off The Scent!

So you won the lottery. You've found a way to stay anonymous. Great! But, once you start to spend more than you normally do, people in your life will start asking questions. New car, new clothes, traveling a little more, new home, even if you're living like a middle class person, purc...

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+75 If you won, and started a business just for fun what would it be?

If your not worried about profitability and just want to experience being a business owner or be able to provide a service to the community what would you choose? I was thinking along the lines of a cat Cafe, it will be a coffee shop, furnished by cats from the animal shelter and you can adopt t...

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+67 Am I alone?

I genuinely believe I will win.. to the point when my numbers aren’t drawn, I’m almost in a state of shock and need a minute to process it. Surely I’m not the only one? Lol 😅

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+77 If I Won I Would Want to Wander for a while

Many times when I ask myself how I would spend a lottery winning of over 20mil or more - I’m single adult male and I’ve worked jobs for decades, many of them I hated in the corporate world but deep down I’ve always had this hippie/wanderlust spirit I’ve hidden. I’m sure it would get boring after...

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+35 As hard as it will be to believe, if I won, I'd sit and map out how to divide my winnings

I've never been a materialistic person, simplicity has always been my thing and I'm still made fun of by friends for the clothes I wear. I'm also not greedy, I don't need to win the billion dollar jackpot, I'd be set and content with just $10 million. They say money doesn&#...

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+23 How easy would it be to move to another country if you won?

So if I ever won the lottery, I would love to move to Europe from the US, mainly the UK or Norway and Denmark. However, I know some of those countries have stricter immigration laws that the US. But how easy would it be to move to one of those countries if you won the lottery, especially one of t...

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+42 What are you telling people if you decide to go for anonymity?

I'm curious to see what people plan to tell those who inevitably ask how you came into money and don't work, if you decide to claim your win anonymously and want to hide the fact you won the lottery. Have you got a made up story you're going to stick to? What if people pry and try and...

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+57 How much money is enough?

So I’ve been lurking for a while and I’ve read posts about people wanting to grow their already large amounts of money (hypothetically). But when is it enough? Let’s say after taxes you end up with 20 or 30 million or whatever crazy large amount. If you don’t go crazy you can’t spend all of th...

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