If I were Filthy Rich
By night_crawler101
+25 If I won the lottery

So much good would come from it, not only would I pay off my mom’s house, but I would also get my own house closer to work. I’m not going to be one of those greedy people, I would still go to work but I would instead invest it into my retirement funds. Lottery money is only good for so long, yes it’s nice to enjoy it buy nice things but I wouldn’t want to attract attention and be targeted. Instead I would live a normal life as best as I can dress as I would normally dress and just have a normal life. I’ve always told my one coworker if I ever win the lottery I’m getting him a new car, so he can get out of his junk car that is constantly breaking down.

Recent responses

+22 @LaseMe You’re not gonna bring home 10milliom and still go to a low-mid six figure job you don’t own

+14 @AliciaRyann If you win the lottery, managing that money is it’s own job. After the Jason Kurland stuff, I am even more convinced to personally manage my finances. Whether it’s buying cascading CDs or meeting with my broker every few weeks for updates, or deciding how much and where to invest in my friends and families schemes. Most of my time would be managing my donor advised fund. Donating the max I can day one to charity (50% pretax) means paying govt half the taxes and being in charge of giving out 5-10% of the fund assets annually, hopefully all from its interest earned. But yeah. Even with $10m I’d be busy making it more and helping ppl. Let alone $100m.

+10 @AAQ94 No offence, but I'm calling bullshit on the work thing. People say this shit, but I don't think they'd follow through if they were to actually win. The second you start getting stressed with work/deadlines or your boss starts giving you shit, you're walking out of there on the spot. There's no way someone with fuck you money would actually put up with that shit lol.