If I were Filthy Rich
By LazeLinez
+43 In a video game like Grand Theft Auto, you can use cheats to get millions of dollars. This makes the game far less challenging, and can lead to boredom. Wouldn’t winning the jackpot have a similar effect in real life?

I’m not saying winning the lottery jackpot (millions of dollars) wouldn’t give you more freedom or satisfaction, but it does seem like a “life emulation” game such as RDR2 or GTA V can teach us; in a less dramatic (and more violent) way, about how we would respond to massive amounts of wealth in our own lives.

Recent responses

+51 @SassiesSoiledPanties To some degree but that assumes that you actually enjoy the grind aspects of life (work and all the stress that it brings). Please don't take this an attack because it isn't but if you get bored when life/a god/the universe decides to turn easy mode for you...you need to work on your imagination. I have enough plans for a lottery win that I don't think I would grow bored.

+31 @JDeegs cheating for money in a game makes it boring because the fun part of the game is everything you do to attain that wealth - heists, missions, etc. in real life, most people would not consider their job the "fun" part of their life.

+19 @irckeyboardwarrior In GTA, getting money is the boring part, it's a complete snooze fest grind. The fun part is what you spend it on.

+15 @Deenda_Deenda_who I only think this happens because there's a finite amount of things to do in a world like that but you live in the real world and there's infinitely more things to do out here.

+14 @TheMintyOnion Huh never thought of it like that. At the same time, I do things in videos games all the time that’d I never do in real life. So maybe, maybe not

+14 @pendletonskyforce That's a good problem to have.