If I were Filthy Rich
By rickybobysf
+23 What Passport are you going to get?

Might be nice to have a backup country's passport. Maybe Belize or Cayman's. I dont even know if you can even get those countries.

Recent responses

+23 @megafly Some EU country.

+15 @fredlwal I would be conservative and buy a condo in Tobago.

+14 @Chromattix Australian here, you Americans may not believe this but the US is my plan B country. Why? ​ \- Well my plan A is solid enough, Australia is doing pretty well for itself. I'm still unlikely to move anywhere else unless there's something really specific overseas lifestyle-wise that I want that just isn't on offer here even in the most expensive areas. \- I can't be bothered learning another language (this might change when I don't have to grind every day to pay for shit anymore but honestly there's other stuff I'd still rather dedicate all my new found free time to) so the plan B country needs to be majority English-speaking and culturally similar. US seems like it would be the easiest for me to adapt to after a lifetime of consuming American media and the only thing differnet language-wise is the accent and the spelling of certain words (the Imperial system is going to bother me though). \- I'm not a foodie or adventurous eater so most "non-western" foods just don't appeal to me at all. I'd starve to death in Asia even when surrounded by restaurants. I just want somewhere where I can have easy access to my beloved delicious western food and not be looked at as weird for eating it. \- I want to live somewhere WARM! People who grew up in cold climates have no idea what a raw deal they got and for this reason most other western countries are already written off even if they're better than America in every other way. I HATE the cold, I hate winter, I hate short days and weeks of pouring rain or heavy winds, and snow is something I'd be happy to visit for a week and then leave back to the sunshine and warmth of a nicer climate where I don't have to dress in layers to avoid freezing to death. So no Canada, New Zealand or even most of Europe for me thanks. The weather in those places would see me kill myself. I don't wanna spend months out of every year staying inside. I'm also a passionate gardener with a specific interest in warm climate plants (palms, cacti, succulents, exotic tropical and desert flowers and trees) and want to grow them outdoors, in the ground to full-scale like I can do here. Colder climates would make this impossible and a greenhouse just isn't the same. The US at least has a sunny south (I'd not bother with the northern or central states). \- I think there's more to do in cities over there than anywhere else (maybe not "anywhere" but at least here). I love Australia but I'm so deprived of culture and quality entertainment and events here. \- Yes the US is a capitalistic hell hole with overpriced Medicare and a toxic work culture but... that's only a problem if you're *poor*. For a millionaire living in the swankier parts of California it still looks like the place to be.