If I were Filthy Rich
By Neat_On_The_Rocks
+58 I would invest heavily into unknown authors, musicians, social media brands

Lets say I win 200 million lump sum after taxes. I’ll set 5 mil in cash aside for “post winning expenses” such as paying off all my debts, buying a 500kish home, setting up parents and in laws retirement, a vacation, and my new huge lawyer/firm fees.

I set aside 15 mil to kick start projects, I invest the remaining 180 mil into safe investments that should safely make 10% annually. I cash out 70% of those profits yearly and reinvest 3%.

I’ve now got a 15m fun fund and roughly $1mil per month income budget for my monthly expenses and additional spending.

I’m gonna invest the fuck into local artists and content creators. I’m gonna toss out very generous deals to all sorts of “nobody’s” to create their art and publish it. I’ll get this no namer all sorts of support and even marketing. Why not?

I’d fund multiple epic fantasy authors, my favorite genre. I’d get so much satisfaction from helping others bring their dreams to life.

Recent responses

+15 @wesashcraft0 Don't stop there dude, art it the shit but aspiring entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of society. In this scenario you would be able to invest in the type of people that you want to be successful in the future. Chefs, Regenerative Farmers, secondhand clothing curators, event organizers etc. Influence the tomorrow YOU want to see!