If I were Filthy Rich
By lottery_winner77777
+18 If I won the lottery…

  1. I would invest 10% in clinical research.

  2. Split the money with my 2 other siblings

  3. Change my name / get another phone number

  4. Help everyone in my family even more (I’m pretty wealthy compared to the rest of them)

  5. Take classes that I feel passionate about

  6. Max out all my retirement plans

  7. Buy a house with a larger field in a nicer area with more privacy.

  8. Go on a luxurious trip every year

  9. After 2 years, I’ll buy a boat (750K to 1.5M)

  10. Still thinking…any ideas?

Recent responses

+26 @Beerin I would add to that well thought out list a **bulk pudding distribution system** in my house. yeah, like every room in my house has a tap where you can pull lever and fill you cup, hands or mouth will some chilled pudding. Tapioca, butterscotch, maybe maybe if it was big lottery win I'd do a vanilla and chocolate line. you are thinking small son.

+10 @skeetsauce > Split the money with my 2 other siblings Good. It drives me insane when people are like, "I'd disappear and my family would think I was dead." Like damn, some of yall are greedy as hell, or have some shitty families.