If I were Filthy Rich
By Bulkhead
+202 How much to quit your job?

For me anything below 5 mil and i am not leaving my job, between 6 - 10 mil and i will give serious thought to weather or not if i would quit, anything above 10 mil and i am out the door.

Recent responses

+136 @herodrink Quit your job or retire. I’d quit my job for a million cash and do something I’m more passionate and less stressed by.

+43 @bahamapapa817 I’d quit for 5 million.

+34 @muunster7 3 million would do me just fine. Head into early retirement. Course I’m in my 50s so not much of a stretch. If I was 35 or younger 5 million would have done it.

+21 @December126 To be able to have $40,000 a year for 50 years you'd only need $2,000,000 so I don't understand why you wouldn't quit after winning less than 5 million. I'd quit my job if I even just won $100,000, I'd have to get another job later on but at least I'd be able to have a few years off and be able to travel and generally work on myself. I'd invest and save the rest and then go back to working. I'd completely retire from working if I won $1,000,000

+20 @CMac86 1 million after taxes and I’d drop to half time or move to a different industry. 2 million after taxes and I’m putting in my notice. 5 million after taxes and I’d at least consider quitting with a very short notice.

+17 @Few_Huckleberry_2565 Before or after tax and how much you have currently