If I were Filthy Rich
By quatch72+43 What would you name the trust you use to claim your winnings?
For those who live in a state that will let you claim your lottery winnings with a trust, what name would you give it?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember reading about what I think was called a double blind trust. Claim the prize with one trust, whose name would be part of the public record, then transfer the funds to a second trust, the name of which would not be available to the public.
You could use the name of the first trust to throw off someone who might try and guess your identity. So calling it (Your Name) Lottery Trust would not be advisable.
Recent responses
+46 @DrTriage “Clem’s Clams”. It’s a shell corporation.
+29 @Internet_Jerk_ Not sure what to name it right now, but it would definitely be something very inappropriate to print in most news sources.
+21 @Commercial-Novel-786 Fuck the First Amendment, Inc. Let's see the press print THAT.
+12 @BleedingTeal lol, I’m not telling you.
+11 @tobesteve Epstein didn't kill himself.