+85 I think I'd live simply.

I've spent most of my life poor. I've struggled to just make end's meet, and to just get by, and it sucks. So, I think, if I won, I'd invest most of the money, get a home and some land, and spend time with who I want, rather than go big. I'd rather be secure and happy, than be doing so much wild stuff I lose everything.

Recent responses

+32 @Inevitable_Cat_7878 Same here. I just want to be left alone. Don't want/need the attention.

+21 @Eat_Carbs_OD I'd buy a bigger home and a newer vehicles.. but I think for the most part I'd also live pretty simply as well.

+13 @whockawhocka I’d buy a large ranch just outside of town and new vehicles, otherwise just live life normally. You never need to worry about money again, so I’d just find hobbies (if I’m already retired) to entertain myself, and just enjoy life.

+13 @sn44 100%. I'd want a modest house on some land. My budget would be pretty much living off the interest. The rest I'd be philanthropic with.

+12 @Sufficient_Tooth_949 All I truly want, is to exist without giving away 40+ hours a week of my time and energy away, so I could dedicate that life force to anything else that I find fulfilling