If I were Filthy Rich
By SprayImportant7486
+30 How do you handle/protect your ticket?

So if you won, how are you protecting your ticket? Also who are you letting handle the ticket? Does the lawyer need to handle it when you claim the prize? I would be too scared to give the physical ticket to anyone, even a lawyer, out of fear they would try to claim it themselves.

Recent responses

+17 @TheLizardKing89 I’d take a few photos and videos of it, vacuum seal it, and then put it in a safety deposit box.

+11 @SomeMidnight Easy, let's say you're going to hand it to a lawyer for some reason. First thing you do is toss the lawyer a shotgun shell...kind of like tossing them a set of keys, softball, etc. so they can catch it with ease. As soon as the lawyer catches the bullet, close the distance between yourself and the lawyer and hand the lawyer the lotto ticket. As you hand it over say "if I think you even attempt to steal my winning ticket, the next shotgun round you catch is going to be moving a lot faster!" I'm sure your "business" involving the lawyer will go well and you'll see eye-to-eye very quickly.

+10 @Eat_Carbs_OD I'd take it down to the lottery office as soon as possible and turn it in without telling anyone.