If I were Filthy Rich
By SoCalRedTory
+35 Excuse me because I think I asked this before, other than a home base (for life stuff, check your wealth, medical check ups, etc), what would be the obstacles to 24/7 travel if one became absurdly wealthy?

Or would travelling become extremely exhausting or "like a job" (might as well set up a travel channel/blog or tie it with some endeavor like academics/research) at that point? Or too much of something is never healthy.

Not to mention, the thrill may go away if you do it constantly, I could say more but I don't wanna ruin anyone's travel dreams?

Recent responses

+26 @DistributionShoddy45 If it became “like a job” then you would have the ability to stop whenever you wanted! But as far as obstacles go, I think someone traveling everywhere would have to worry about getting sick a decent amount. Big world, lotsa different germs you’re not used to. Honestly what I think someone would do is travel the world at first, but then they would start to find regions/climates of the world they liked, and regions/climates of the world they didn’t like. Then they would find one spot they loved and move there. They’d enjoy their life there, and then travel to the places they liked previously. Every time they got bored of being at their favorite spot, they’d recharge by traveling, then every time they got bored of traveling, they’d go back to their favorite spot. 24/7 travel sounds exhausting for an extended period of time, this kind of breaks it up into more bearable chunks imo.

+14 @ShepheardzPath622 Terribly put. If you mean traveling around the world long term, no barriers to that other than legal barriers such as visas and such. If you mean literally being on the move 24/7, why on earth would anyone in there right mind do that unless they're trying to run away from someone.