If I were Filthy Rich
By SprayImportant7486+85 If you won 250M after taxes what do your monthly budgeted expense look like?
If you won 250M after taxes and could pull 10M a year (~833K a month) without touching the 250M, what do your monthly budgeted expenses look like? This is how I would spend my millions.
Mortgage/home insurance and home up-keep: $208K
Food/restaurants/personal chef: 15K
Utilites: 3K
Entertainment/Travel: 20K
Health insurance/personal car: 5K
Cars and insurance: 10K
Taxes:310K (to have a buffer)
For immediate family not living with me: 100K
College savings:20K
Roth: 7K
Life insurance: 35k
Budgeting it out was harder than expected. I probably missed a lot of expenses that rich people incur.
Recent responses
+67 @Exotic-Promise-4020 If that’s a lump sum then I would not have mortgages. I would buy the houses outright. I would give family/close relatives 10% of whatever I have outright divided between them.
+37 @Stewy_434 Jesus Christ. I honestly don't even know. $833k *per month*? That's insane. I don't know if I could spend that. I feel like my monthly expenses would just be utilities, regular bills, entertainment, and then anything I couldn't buy outright or didn't want to for some odd reason.
+29 @TheSiege82 I’d probably upgrade my Netflix to the HD content.
+21 @Blocked-Author $250M Off the top I set up trusts for each of my siblings and parents with $5M in each one that is invested to pay them roughly $200k a year and they can’t touch the principle. $225M I purchase two houses worth about $2M each. One as my main home and the other as the get away home in Hawaii or something similar. Let’s call it $5M total. $220M I purchase four vehicles for each house. Truck, SUV, convertible sports car of some sort, additional SUV. And a couple motorcycles. Let’s say each vehicle is $150k for a total of $1.5M and round up to $2M to be able to purchase dirt bikes, 4 wheelers etc. $218M Now let’s see how much that gives me as a return each month if invested and I pull at a safe rate of 4%. That is $8.72M per year, or $726k per month. Personal chef: $300k a year or $25k a month Cleaners: $200k a year or 17k a month Home/Vehicle insurance: $240k a year or $20k a month Personal Life Manager: $240k a year or $20k a month Utilities: $60k a year or $5k a month Entertainment: $300k a year or $25k a month Travel: $1.2M a year or $100k a month Other life expenses: $600k a year or $50k a month Taxes: $3.2M a year or $268k a month All of that added up still leaves me with $2.38M extra a year or $198k a month. If I want to be charitable or kick the excess back into investments or put it to other investments, I can. I tried to be excessive on the amounts for many of the things so that I could see how much I would have left over even if I was spending way more than I think I would.
+13 @NoChemist22 A few thoughts on your budget in case you do win….. You should budget a whole lot more for taxes if you are drawing from any investments as capital gains / long term CG. Your property taxes on a house with a monthly mortgage of 200k is also going to be much more. You don’t need life or health insurance. You’re rich and can self-insure. 20k/month into a college fund…. This might make sense if you have quintuplets that are 17 but… otherwise no idea why so much here. Other note — check with a professional but likely makes most sense to donate x amount to a charity or establish a charity to donate to at up front win time. You can deduct your charitable contributions and likely won’t have enough income in the future to offset your taxable gains after the initial win. I’d also recommend reducing your safe withdrawal rate to more like 2%. You’re not going to be hurting on $500k/month but your risk of ruin / running out goes to almost nil. My budget if I win? It won’t be a monthly one for sure. I don’t think I could sustainably spend half a million a month if I tried. Sure maybe a few peaks here and there but that’s so excessive I wouldn’t need any hard budget.
+11 @ScotWithOne_t Putting $7k in a ROTH when you have 250M in the bank? 🤣🤣🤣
+11 @MrsGreatBrittain Why so much in life insurance?
+10 @throwawayfromPA1701 I'd be overwhelmed. I'd only want to pull at most $10k/ month for living expenses. I mean I know what my living expenses are now and this would be a massive increase. I do not want a big house and I'm not sure I'd want a giant property. I'm alone and single. What would I need all that space for? I do not want to shower relatives with gifts. I will set up trusts for nieces and nephews that will pay for their education but they otherwise cannot touch until age 40. I have no spouse and I have no kids and this isn't going to change, I'm over 40. I have a tough time spending money as it is currently and I'm not hurting for income. I would see myself sticking it in some financial instrument and then just hiding out somewhere just overwhelmed.