If I were Filthy Rich
By UnluckyPhilosophy797
+37 How do you even find Advisors/Lawyers when you win BIG

Something I've always thought about. How do you find reputable and trust worthy people to help provide solid advice on what to do?

Recent responses

+45 @Lanky_Possession_244 Go to big firms with offices in multiple major cities across the US that handle billions in client funds. They won't risk their reputation to steal from you as they already make a ton of money. Pay the extra for a senior partner if you really want the extra attention. Verify anything you are told and don't sign anything without understanding what it is you're signing first. Don't be afraid to ask questions and ask for clarification. You're paying for that as well. They would much rather explain it to you like you're 5 than have you stir up issues later when you don't like something that was clearly laid out for you and explained before you signed off on it. This is when a private bank with wealth management would be a reasonable option.

+26 @motherisaclownwhore They're around.You just can't see them yet because you don't have enough money.

+12 @deathaddict You stick to big firms that are well known. The fees will generally be higher but you have to remember, these firms have a LOT to loose if they screw you and they deal with high net worth clients on the regular. Trying to find a cheap advisor/lawyer when you just won big is literally the worst place to save money because the risk you get screwed is insanely high. At the amount of money you're winning, this is the one place you don't want to skimp on.

+11 @new_user_not_the_fbi Asking the right questions op 👍