If I were Filthy Rich
By NinjaImaginary2775
+140 How many of you have bought a lottery ticket?

Thinking about all the things I would do if I won the lottery is so fun but ironically I've never bought a lottery ticket. How many of you actually have bought a ticket at least once?

Recent responses

+70 @loassumption04 I have. You gotta be in it to win it.

+41 @TheLizardKing89 They’re only $2. I buy them semi-frequently.

+25 @Exotic-Promise-4020 I have bought them probably hundreds of times

+20 @zamboniman46 why bother being part of this sub if you arent going to buy a ticket

+19 @Important-Ad88 I started playing recently and have been buying every couple of days each week now. Money I don't mind losing type but for a few dollars that can turn into millions? Gotta play to win 🏆

+18 @blonktime I'll buy a couple of tickets if it goes over $1B. I know I'm very likely NOT going to win, but I think of it as cheap entertainment to daydream big fantasies for a few days. Can't win if you don't play the game.

+15 @GothinHealthcare I play twice a week, one ticket per drawing, which is more than enough (you only need one set of numbers to win). Plus, I wait until the jackpot is at least 50 million to ensure anonymity if won (in my state at least, after taxes). While the odds are insane, you can't have a chance to win if you don't play; THAT's the true probability of zero.

+14 @StrongAsMeat every time I get gas or groceries

+11 @CityBoiNC I honestly have only bought 3 tickets this year but a bunch of scratch offs this year, prior I never played either. My last win I literally only had $5 till payday and got a ticket since $5 can't really get you anything and won $50

+11 @Ponchovilla18 I think in my adult life I've bought a lottery ticket 3 times? Each time was when the lotto went over a billion