If I were Filthy Rich
By celticgaul28
+58 If I won I would build a dog and cat farm

There this 36 acres plot of land for sale in the South part Virginia Beach 3 million dollars they want for it not only would I build a small house for myself and two dogs specifically for myself.

Then I would use the rest of the land divided into 8 acres each one big dogs one for medium dogs and one for small dogs with 6 acres for the cats and the last 6 acres for me and my small house.

Then I would go to every shelter within a hundred mile radius and adopt every single dog and cat they have spend the rest of my life giving these lucky animals a good home with plenty of space to run in course I would also build shelters indoor for winter and outdoor for summer.

Recent responses

+12 @Bringback70sbush I want to win for myself...but now I want you to win