If I were Filthy Rich
By PickASwitch
+66 Throw ‘Em Off The Scent!

So you won the lottery. You've found a way to stay anonymous. Great!

But, once you start to spend more than you normally do, people in your life will start asking questions. New car, new clothes, traveling a little more, new home, even if you're living like a middle class person, purchases draw attention. How do you avoid being unmasked as the winner? Easy!

I read an AMA a while back with a winner who stayed anonymous AND released a statement to the press that was full of false information about himself, like saying "can't wait to spoil my kids and grandkids" when he doesn't have kids and doesn't want any. He basically made the statement sound like he was some old grandpa somewhere instead of a guy in his early 30s. I thought that was genius. If anyone gets suspicious, he can just Google that press statement and show it to them and say "does this sound like me?"

I've noticed that even when someone is anonymous, the lottery likes to get pull quotes from them. Just friggin LIE!

Recent responses

+32 @Tx_Atheist Me, when interviewed about my mega-millions lottery win: "I can't wait till all the friends and family who I haven't spoken to in 20 yrs show up at my door or my inbox 'just reaching out to say hi' : "Nope". 🙂

+23 @gvillager I'm ok with letting them think I'm in the debt up to my eyeballs, cashed out my 401k, owe the IRS money, and that I'm on the verge of bankruptcy.

+18 @Lootthatbody I settled a lawsuit years ago and a guy I’d been friends with for years got really weird about it. Granted, it was a 6 figure settlement, but it’s not like it was just extra money I suddenly had that I didn’t need, it was a settlement from insurance that had refused to pay for my house being wrecked by a storm, all that money went right back into the house. I remember telling him about the settlement and being really excited about finally being able to fix my house. Then, it took roughly 8 months to get contractors and get the work done. The whole time, this friend started complaining about money problems a lot. He and his wife were already bad with money, but this became the thing he always talked about. Finally, he just came out and asked me to help him with his rent. I said dude I don’t have the $1500. I don’t even have $500 to help you out, and honestly even if I did I couldn’t just give you that money. He said ‘what about your lawsuit money?’ I said dude that money was gone months ago, it went straight from the checks to my accounts just long enough for them to verify it, then it went right back out to the contractors who were fixing the house! This wasn’t a lottery, my house was wrecked and needed serious repairs. He pretty quickly stopped replying and I just stopped texting him. So, to answer the question, I’d probably say that I settled a small lawsuit that I couldn’t discuss, but that had awarded me a small amount of money that isn’t enough to share, lol.

+18 @Jo_Duran Ha. I know this is a light hearted post, but I’ll play along a little. It’s not a bad strategy, but it doesn’t help with explaining this new lifestyle and purchases. It doesn’t even exclude the lottery as a source or the funds, as there are many lotteries perhaps played at many different times over long periods. So I say, if you have F You money, act like it. If you get put in an uncomfortable position, walk right through it. What good is total financial freedom if you live scared? I haven’t won the lottery, but over the years I started to adapt an attitude of *I live for myself and I answer to nobody.* If someone isn’t paying my tuition, health bills, car insurance, mortgage/rent, or contributing towards my retirement, I owe them zero explanation or justification for anything. May sound harsh, but when you’ve been down and out in your life, how many of these people would have volunteered to co-sign your debt? If you can honestly say that one of them did or that they would, then treat that person generously. The others treat accordingly.

+17 @Rude-Manufacturer-86 "I sold my NVDA options."

+15 @sn44 **Repeat after me:** "*Please submit any requests for financial assistance to the manager of my trust. They will process, filter, rank, and distribute funds in accordance with an outline of my priorities. Sadly not all requests can or will be honored however some request may be partially granted or granted with conditions. This is done to best expedite the volume of request as well as keep things as objective as possible and preserve interpersonal relationships between any and all parties involved.*" ----- [Requests at the top; Trust manager at the bottom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pABNFV3QFVM)

+11 @heat2051 I would sell the house and move without telling anyone much. Had neighbors we were social with move and never really thought much about it. I think people are busy enough that it's out of sight, out of mind most times. Especially if you don't/limit contact with people. I also think you have to get rid of any social media etc.