If I were Filthy Rich
By Ponchovilla18
+35 As hard as it will be to believe, if I won, I'd sit and map out how to divide my winnings

I've never been a materialistic person, simplicity has always been my thing and I'm still made fun of by friends for the clothes I wear.

I'm also not greedy, I don't need to win the billion dollar jackpot, I'd be set and content with just $10 million. They say money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure does help in getting you there when you can take care of lifes biggest expenses.

Would I buy a house, yes I would. The city I want to raise my daughter in, a home would run me about a million, maybe a little more. So this would be my biggest expense. Sadly, the million dollar home isn't a mansion, it's just the desirability for this city is what makes it expensive and location obviously. So it would be a modest home, 3 bedroom, maybe 4 depending on home type.

Next would be to put a million in a high yield account for my daughter for when she turns 18. That would be hers as my graduation gift and for her to get her life started. Want to go to college? There ya go, college paid for. Need a new car after high school? There ya go, car paid for. Need a down payment for a condo after college? There ya go, you're well set. I would make it clear to her that she doesn't get more, so she better hire an accountant that's trustworthy to help her manage it because if she spends it all recklessly then a life lesson from me is you don't get to just use me as a free credit card, not how life works.

I'd then pay off my parents house, wouldn't be a major dent, a tiny fraction as my way of saying thank you for what they've done for me.

I'd then send my grandparents, parents and my sister in a 6 day, 7 night cruise wherever they wanted to go, their choice. If it required travel to get there that would be on them but I'd cover their cruise and any extras for it.

I'd then buy a new car. My current one is on the back nine, still runs good but it's already at 125k miles so it will need to be replaced eventually. As I said, I'm not materialistic so I don't need a Benz, BMX, Jag, etc. I do like Infiniti and Lexus and Lexus is considered luxury but it's really a Toyota.

At this point, I figure I'd have around 6.5 million left and that is where I'd diversify. Hire a well known and trusted financial advisor to discuss where to invest. Even leaving that in a high interest account (let's say 4%) is $260k a year. With a home paid off, a car paid off and my daughters college covered, I could easily live off the interest

Recent responses

+19 @wuvvtwuewuvv You may not be materialistic or greedy, but other people sure as hell are, including family

+17 @YouGotMunsoned For the million dollars going to your daughter, I'd advise you put it into a custodial account instead of just giving it to her when she turns 18. Giving a barely legal adult a million dollars is not a good idea. With the custodial account, the funds can still be invested as you wish, they can be used for her college/housing/etc., but you can also choose to release the funds to her complete control when she's a bit older/wiser. Depending on the state you live, it can be as old as 25yo. Just my opinion.