If I were Filthy Rich
By back2me78
+77 If I Won I Would Want to Wander for a while

Many times when I ask myself how I would spend a lottery winning of over 20mil or more - I’m single adult male and I’ve worked jobs for decades, many of them I hated in the corporate world but deep down I’ve always had this hippie/wanderlust spirit I’ve hidden. I’m sure it would get boring after a while but honestly if I won I would keep it simple - purchase a home in a low cost area in the US near an international airport and just spend time traveling and wandering the world meeting fellow travelers.

It shocked me at first admitting to myself this is what I’d do - when money is no object asking yourself those deep questions of what you truly want is not easy

Recent responses

+27 @throwawayfromPA1701 I'd definitely wander for a bit. By train.

+15 @wegotthisonekidmongo I still have wanderlust in me too. I would def do this! Travel for awhile.