If I were Filthy Rich
By LayneStaleytunes
+124 If I won the lottery (200 million or more.)

Pretty simple answer. I'd take care of my parents and my wife's parents. I'd make sure the rest of the time they have (all in their 80s) would be nothing short of bliss. I'd make sure they wanted for nothing and had top notch health care. As for me I'd buy a couple of classic muscle cars and a Ferrari F8 Tributo. My wife would get the Escalade she's always wanted. My four kids would get $1,000,000 each a d my 3 grandslchildren would get the same in a trust available to them when they hit 18 years old. I would buy a house near the beach in either Alabama or South Texas. I would have acreage and a farm with chickens, cows, and horses. I'd spend time traveling to other Countries like Italy, Germany, Ireland etc.

Recent responses

+21 @observethebadgerking Hope it happens for you, buddy. Being able to leave a financial legacy like that for future generations of your family would be such a beautiful thing.

+17 @Fullonski Giving 18 year-olds one million dollars cash. What could possibly go wrong?