If I were Filthy Rich
By DrTriage
+14 How would you spend the rest of your money?

Given that you have covered all the bases (fat investment portfolio, friends and relatives are covered, donations, cars, mansions, boats, and jets) and you still have $100,000,000 in the bank. What is the best way to spend this money? Of course by what measure of 'best' am I talking about?

  • For one thing you could say 'most positive impact on my local community'.
  • Or 'biggest good effect on people I know'.
  • Or 'sum of positive effects divided by how distantly contacted I am to these people'.

  1. Easiest thing to do is just give the money away, but this has only short term benefits.
  2. Scholorships are good.
  3. One thing you could do is start a company and employ lots of people doing something good for the world but then it would start generating income and you won't have spent any of your $100M.
  4. Build low-income housing (generally fails and turns into a getto).
  5. Build a hospital and run it zoro-profit.
  6. If you keep it in the bank, the bank will use it to make profit on, not really a positive effect.
  7. Buy gold and gems but then you haven't really spent it.

Got any other ideas?

Recent responses

+10 @CityoftheMoon17 - my childhood home is a rural run down 4x1 across the road from the towns hospital. In his final weeks fighting cancer, my father was in palliative care at the hospital and, on good days, he was allowed to be wheeled in a wheelchair across the road to our house. It brought him a lot of peace and it was nice to 'have him home'. I was always so thankful I could pop over the road to see him and have always been hyper aware there were many people with less access to such luxuries, with many people in other farming communities sometimes having to drive hours for their medical attention. I would over pay mum for the house and land (it's a very large block) clear it all and build short term stays for families that also need the hospital. The properties would all have their own little peace garden and the option for chefs and cleaners for occupants needing to stay longer than a few days. Everything would be paid by me and I would create a program in which the hospital sends someone trained to talk through the strains of whatever the short term occupants are going through. All the houses would be wheelchair friendly so that if circumstances were like mine, it wouldn't be an issue for them to pop over the road for a short break. -my dream house revolves around my dream garden on a large property that I can grow floral, fruit and veg. Any fruit and veg I don't use for myself would be donated. I would use my gardens once a month to host weddings. Not sure how it would work but I guess a lottery for couples who couldn't afford their dream wedding could have it on my property in the gardens. Most everything would be provided (except alcohol. Because that's what caused my fathers cancer. I'm pretty against that) and accommodation (to clarify, accommodationwouldnt be availableon my property). I would obviously pay all staffing and helpers that help with the wedding including wedding planners for the couples. I would also like to host events for carers in my gardens. Foster carers, health carers, disability carers etc. What's the point in having beautiful gardens if you don't share them?! -scholarships are a given. -random acts of kindness. I've posted about paying off an entire shopping centres Christmas laybuys or a days worth of coffee at a Cafe. Doing that for years would take a good chunk out of my money.