If I were Filthy Rich
By TommyGotAJob
+79 Anyone else immediately going to therapy if you win the lottery?

Obviously after the shock and excitement wares off and you're more level headed. Curious to know how many guys and gals would have that on their mind following their win.

Recent responses

+46 @2ndChance_1stMistake I won the Mega in 2016. After the dust settled, I bought a camper van and tooled around the lower 48 for three years getting my mind right. I met a lot of people, saw a lot of things, and learned a lot about the US and the people in it. Got my mind right and settled down. I live on a 278 acre homestead now. Nearest neighbor is 2 miles down the road, no one comes to bother me and I live my life how I want. That's my therapy.

+12 @sn44 Cue Woody Harrelson wiping his crocodile tears with $100 bills. That would be my therapy. LoL Actually, all joking aside, I would totally start therapy. I liken therapy like changing oil or rotating tires on a car. Just because it's running "well" doesn't mean you can neglect routine maintenance. Given the stress and anxiety that winning a mega jackpot would generate I would 100% do some sort of therapy. Most likely part of a holistic thing where I start eating better and exercising more. Sort of a three-in-one. Hire a therapist, dietician, and a personal trainer. Maybe I can luck out and find one person that is all three... and hot.

+11 @megafly Mental health is part of my overall health goals. It's much easier to do all sorts of stuff when you can afford help.