If I were Filthy Rich
By IwishIhadbiggerfeet
+57 I would adopt a child

I've always wanted to have children. I'm 27 and single and don't like the idea of getting married anytime soon. Regardless, I'd love to adopt one or two kids. Preferably from Mexico because I'm Mexican-American. I don't have the income right now to do it, but if I did I would.

It's funny, I play around with what I would do if I won the lottery all the time. While I change my mind frequently the one thing that I know for sure that I want to do is adopt.

Recent responses

+16 @oregonchick What's kind of great about that is you could set that as a goal and start saving up now in preparation for when you feel ready... Even without the lottery. But *with* a lottery win, you could fast-track everything and have amazingly deep resources to share with your kiddos in giving them the best possible life. I feel the same way about fostering a child, although I think I want to aim at older kids/teens and possibly small sibling groups so they aren't split up in the system. I'm old enough, I just don't have the scheduling flexibility or housing set up (yet) that would make this possible now. Eventually, it will happen... Or all at once, because of a lottery jackpot!