If I were Filthy Rich
By itsnathanhere
+107 Has this sub become overly-serious?

For me, this sub has always been about the fantasy about the weird and wonderful shit we'd do on the off-chance we won the lottery. Whether it's private islands, fancy cars or just trolling people in elaborate ways.

Now at least half the posts I see are about attorneys, tax and generally mundane things. Like people are relying on the lottery for their life plan. I mean no offense by this though I get some people reading this might feel a bit 'called out' so to speak.

What do you guys personally come to this sub for? Fun stuff, legal stuff or a mixture of both?

EDIT: Thank you mysterious downvoter who didn't comment. Your downvote is important to me. Please remain on the line.

Recent responses

+67 @dragach1 I don't come here often but I'll say that thinking about the legalities and what 'responsible' things I would do is part of the fun of the fantasies.

+21 @translatepure I come here for fun stuff. Any reasonable person knows the statistical odds of winning are asinine. Even when I buy tickets I’m fully aware that what I’m buying is a few days of fantasizing about extreme wealth. To me that’s worth a few bucks. I come to this sub for the same reason.

+16 @AndromedaFire I come here for a mix of the two. I like seeing the outlandish ideas and cool stuff that I could buy but I also really like figuring out the logistics of what I would do. I find it helps me get a more immersive daydream out of it almost like world building in a story. You may think I’m a prick for this but I think it will resonate with at least some people here. I’ve got Spreadsheets mapping out where the money is going, a compounding interest calculator to work out approximate returns from investment by year after living expenses/ bills/ inflation are removed, lists of what I’m spending on stuff, saved property’s, saved cars, I’ve read up on private banks, home renovation/ interior design companies etc all mean I can have a real deep level imagination trip with it and in the insanely unlikely event I ever win I’m well prepared A fun activity for me is making a spreadsheet that doesn’t just work out how much I would give to family but to do it as a percentage so I can input the ever changing jackpot total and it would give me the breakdown budget I have for house, cars, family gifts etc or thinking I wonder how I’d get wifi around my massive house and researching mesh wifi at 3am

+14 @sxcpants6969 Thank you. I come here to think about crazy mansions and boats and holidays and buying stupid stuff no one needs. And all the posts are like 'id give my friends $50, I they ask for more I'd cut them off and never speak to them again, I'd buy a 20 year old car and live like a homeless person to keep my winnings secret". The lottery is not meant to be a realistic life plan, but a fun dream scenario