If I were Filthy Rich
By KharKhas
+140 I just need like 2 million

I just need to win 2 million. That way my wife can stay home and raise our kids as she wishes without worrying about income and working ungodly hours.

Recent responses

+42 @Lover_of_Titss 2 million is more than enough for me to buy a modest house (I’m currently a renter), a modest car (my current is 10 years old), and quit my go back to school for a few years before returning to working again. At this point I play mega millions and powerball for the 5+0 with the add on instead of the jackpot. I just want to reset and upgrade my life, I don’t need to be celebrity rich.

+25 @Junebuggy2 Give me like $120,000 and I’ll be very happy. Completely debt free with a new car. $200,000+ I’m quitting my job and focusing on a trade job/career. In the big millions I’ll quit my job and start hobbying and traveling.

+17 @veritas643 Yeah, $2M would be awesome if you were single. Wife and Kids, awesome cushion, but you'd still be budgeting.

+11 @ValiXX79 I'll get 10M😎😎