If I were Filthy Rich
By Pretty-Rub974
+1419 So I won’t $5 and they let me…

Guys I won $5 and they gave me a whole ceremony, a huge check, and a t shirt! It all started when I got tired of not getting to hold one of those big checks. So when I won $5 I made a joke on their Facebook page that turned into them actually doing this! It was great! Didn’t think they’d actually let me 🤣

Recent responses

+156 @TheFrozenCanadianGuy Congrats man! It’s me, your long lost brother.

+51 @Initial-Muffin7771 They wouldn't let you stay anonymous? Man, relatives are gonna start coming out of the woodwork now. Congrats on your big $5 win. Call a lawyer.

+49 @PippyLongSausage This is so awesome. I want to do it now.

+30 @Illustrious-Growth42 This is hilarious reminds of the office

+25 @Reddit_My_ Don't spend it all in one place

+15 @Strange_Pianist1181 Hey manifest that man! You never know

+11 @PraesidiumSafety Dude you should photoshop that picture and put however many millions you want to win on there then print it and hang it in your bedroom. Manifest that shit lol

+11 @Freedom_7 Lol, I bet the people at the lottery office loved this