If I were Filthy Rich
By Wynda_Knight+65 What would be the perfect amount for you to win and what would you do?
I've thought alot about this. I want to win a lottery jackpot of over $500 million dollars because I would do yearly payouts for 30 years and that would be a great amount for me and what I want to do, which is nothing really exciting, buy a house under a LLC and Trust, help my friend, her mom and her pets move, buy an RV, get my car restored, have a Catio built for my dog and cats, have an enclosed aviary built for my birds. Donate to one or two charities when they need help, pay off two credit cards and student loans. Get a private mailbox, put my car and RV under my LLC and Trust too. Give a two weeks notice and leave school.
Also, people do win the lottery jackpots all the time. So why not me, and why not you.
Recent responses
+39 @Throwawayyynow My pipe dream is to win $100M+ after taxes. That money could be put to good use to make an impact in the community and help others out. You could do all of that and have enough to potentially create generational wealth. Truthfully, $100M+ is a huge responsibility and can be dangerous if you don’t already have a stable foundation in your life. The more modest side of me would be content with $10M-$50M after taxes. This is an amount that lets you set yourself up to live comfortably in any HCOL city. The money allows you to live middle class or upper class depending on the geographic area you reside in. This would keep me grounded and it wouldn’t warp my reality/perception as much as a $100M+ payout would.
+21 @the_zero $20m after taxes and I’m good. I guess that’s around $36m. I can retire, buy a new house, take care of my family, travel and do all the things I want to do, donate to small charities that need it. Best of all, I would go mostly unnoticed because that’s a “small” jackpot these days.
+20 @OddSession3836 I've thought about this many times and my position has evolved over the years. I used to want to win the top jackpot and thought about all the ways I'd spend it. From vacation homes, to taking care of my family, travelling the world, etc. But over the last few years, I'd be content with $1M+. Why? I've come up with many business ideas that I think would do very well. All that's needed is some seed money. With $1M, after taxes, it would probably be closer to $500K, that would be plenty to start something. And I feel I grow that money into something big. Obviously, if I do win the big one (current Powerball is $152M), I might still work on the business idea(s) just as a cover. I'm with you as well. People win lotteries all the time so, why not me? I buy into the smaller lotteries when the jackpots reach $1M+ and sometimes buy scratch offs as well.
+14 @artstaxmancometh Any jackpot above $20-25 million would allow me to split it into useful long term trusts for family, friends, and charity. Anything below that I wouldn't be able to spread much wealth and would probably use it to build houses for profit.
+9 @Outrageous_Life_2662 Your desires are quite modest. You could get by with FAR less than $500M. Probably $1M - $2M per year would be sufficient for you. Whereas I can identify at least $20M in cars alone that I would love to have. To say nothing of a nice place to house and display the collection. I can identify another $100M worth of homes dotting the CA coast alone that I would love to have and spend most of my time going up and down this beautiful coast. This is all before I get to travel, charity, helping friends/family and starting the businesses I would like to start (I want a steak house and a dessert shop as well as a venture business in Property Tech) as well as vacation homes in international areas … perhaps a private jet and/or yacht. All said, if I were to have my ideal winnings we’re talking north of a $1B. And even then I’d have to pair back some of my desires 😂 It’s all good though. If I’m going to dream then why not dream big princess 😉
+8 @None $100M+ after taxes. What would I do? 1. Lawyer 2. Maybe an advisor 3. ETFs & index funds 4. High yield savings 5. Gold After that’s secured, farmhouse & fix up the car that I have.