If I were Filthy Rich
By marvelguy1975
+64 How far would you move?

If you won the lottery. How far away would you move? Same town? Different part of the state or across country? Never to be seen again!

I would probably move across country. Or at the minimum one state away. Start fresh.

Recent responses

+33 @Orange_Smart The only way I’d stay where I am is something like my sister won 100mil and gave me 5. If my name is the one on the giant check, I’m getting the hell out of Dodge.

+31 @ssfishboy Honestly probably just move to a new nicer place in the same city. If you live in a smaller town where your win will make you a local celebrity then I totally understand moving far to get away from that attention and start fresh. But I live in Los Angeles. Huge city with tons of rich people, I would mostly only move because I could get a really nice place compared to the tiny apartment I’m in now. Obviously would maybe disappear for a couple months to let any notoriety die down since name would be public, but then just get a nice new place here. Don’t get me wrong, assuming I won a lot like the current powerball or mega millions, I’d also get other places for family or vacation etc. in other states and/or countries. but primary residence would stay here. After the initial attention died down from the win, and leaving my low income restaurant job, I’d be just another rich person in the city where you wouldn’t stand out. Most of my life/family/friends are here, no need to escape to anywhere. Except for fun because I would spend a good amount of time traveling around the world.

+17 @GetOutTheDoor I'd travel for 6 months, sell my current house. Would buy my new place via a trust, have all my mail handled by a 3rd party. My name wouldn't be on any public legal document.

+12 @daisymaisy505 Depends how much money. Maybe buy a few houses - beach, mountains, Europe. But I love where I now live and have a ton of friends here.

+12 @Functional-Fishing Barcelona Spain Live abroad for a year or 2 Someplace with good food and another continent away. Live the 20s I never had in my 30s And go back to school to study something I wasn't able to in school because of health and financial reasons. Biochemistry probably Do it abroad on the cheap and have fun I honestly don't know when I would return home.