If I were Filthy Rich
By johnsmith2027
+242 How does a new lottery winner say that they are unemployed without being a turn-off?

If you have come into a life-changing amount of money by winning a lottery jackpot (enough to easily last the remainder of your life and still have plenty leftover), and when you meet new people, and they inevitably ask you what you do for a living, how can you answer them in a way that keeps you from being embarrassed while at the same time doesn't make you sound obnoxious or lazy?

Just because someone wins the lottery doesn't mean they want to be a turn-ff in a conversation with a new person. If you quit your career as a result of not needing it anymore because you don't need the money anymore, how do you get the message across to the person(s) in a classy way?

Recent responses

+176 @rotorcraftjockie I went through this and my answer was “ I’m in personal wealth management now”

+67 @Daegog You could say you are retired if you prefer, or claim something about personal investments if you do not want to say unemployed.

+67 @Lanky_Possession_244 Just don't talk finances with people. Make up a job and keep it vague.

+48 @LPNTed If you win, and you have no intention of doing anything that resembles work at all, you are, by definition, retired. Now, if you want to engage in some sort of charity or "serious" hobby, you can leverage those as a form of career. Say you want to learn to fly and are taking lessons, well, your a pilot. If you're into boats, you're in Yacht Management. Model trains, train management. See how that works?

+43 @daisymaisy505 Consultant.

+30 @vendeep I am a consultant in “— insert some domain you are familiar with —“ that has an NDA. I can’t talk about it more without violating the NDA. but the work is lucrative and flexible enough for me to work only a few months a year. Those few months you can be on a vacation without raising suspicion. If people ask more questions, you say the work happened to be international and you combined vacation with a work trip….

+28 @Ibraheem_moizoos "What do you do?" "I'm in construction." "Your hands don't look like you're in construction." "I'm a union delegate."

+27 @freemason777 laugh haughtily and clean your monocle. between chuckles say "I'm not in the working class with you riff-raff, old boy, hilarious joke hahaha"

+27 @lintfilms No you want the power and freedom that comes with being ignored. You also want to be able to be someone no one expects anything from. Do not lose this advantage in life. It helps you know who likes you and is not just looking to use you.

+21 @DirtyPenPalDoug Say you're unemployed. People who will treat you like shit for that are people you don't want in your life. Self filtering solution.

+18 @smokinggun21 Freelance (insert whatever hobby you are passionate about) Saying freelance is more perfect then saying self employed because you work whenever at different times for different places more sporadically allowing you to be off randomly and not working all the time You work but it's more open ended and you're kind of like a rolling stone moving around from here to there Freelance photographer  Freelance model Freelance artist Freelance massage therapist  Freelance pet sitter  Freelance nanny  Freelance chef  Freelance maid  Freelance caregiver  Freelance gig work 

+15 @dean0_0 I dont like talking about my job, so I just tell people I'm in I.T. They never have any followup questions. I learned that trick when watching a documentary about a spy.