If I were Filthy Rich
By Crafty-Bunch-2675
+18 If you live in a jurisdiction that does not allow you to collect anonymous. How would you protect yourself ?

Not American.

Sometimes I agonize over playing the lottery because I am genuinely scared of the idea of

(1) all my family members' personality transforming overnight and giving them money bleeds me dry.

(2) being kidnapped/bribed.

Sometimes I even avoid the bigger jackpots and play smaller scratch tickets for this very reason.

I already specifically called my local lottery association and asked them and they said they don't do anonymous winnings, its not in their policy and they have no intention of changing it anytime soon because this is how they maintain transparency.

For those of you who live where you cannot collect anonymous. What would you do ?

Recent responses

+13 @LPNTed In the US, recently, someone in Jacksonville won like "a billion dollars" they set up a trust in Delaware, and had the trust claim the winnings. You might want to see if there is something similar in your country..