If I were Filthy Rich
By luuummoooxdadwarf
+62 You won $1 billion, cash option after taxes, and you have to spend 10% (100 mil) to improve the world, what's your plan?

Besides the obvious of giving to charity, my plan would include buying a lot of property (old hotel, apartment buildings, etc.) And using them in two ways.

  1. Renovating, adding security, and making them halfway homes for abused women and their kids. Making sure that they are safe from their abusers and have a safe place where they don't have to look over their shoulders all the time. I would also provide lawyers and professionals to help them with divorce, restraining orders, and to help them regain their financial footing.

  2. Use the hotels as hissing for the homeless to give them a place that they can give in applications and things for a current address. That seems to be one of the biggest obstacles these days when trying to find a job.

Recent responses

+20 @AFDIT Invest in a developing country (probably 1 city / town specifically to prove the concept). Money in these countries goes much further and the ROI you can get on social impact is much higher (200-500% gain in quality of life / standard of living vs 20-30% increase in UK/US etc). Invest in a combination of efforts that are intertwined. In Africa the reason most commerce fails, or most education fails is down to security and not the delivery of commerce/education services. Try to find a country that is taking security seriously and isn't showing signs of mass corruption. Then look at the education around the issue that needs to be addressed. How do you educate while combatting an issue head on, with people there prepared to re-educate to larger numbers of people once you leave. Don't try to innovate. Don't try to white knight. Partner with specialists in the discipline that already work in these regions. A charity that knows about hunger with 10k staff and 50yr history will outperform your attempt to disrupt the hunger problem. Also work with local people at all times. The most worse off hate being talked down to, or made to accept charity from white people who will dissappear soon after. Easiest choices of things to address are the UN Sustainable Development Goals [https://sdgs.un.org/goals](https://sdgs.un.org/goals)

+17 @bubonis Assuming I'm not *limited* to $100 million, I would set up something like the DC universe's League of Shadows to assassinate every leader/politician in the world who doesn't put the good will of the people and the planet ahead of their own personal interests or those of the ultra-wealthy.

+15 @StarkPR Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Fix the broken fishing system and feed all men with plentiful resources. I'd start a community organizing/lobbying group to educate voters in key swing areas and push politicians to improve existing systems to better serve all people.

+15 @Glock1911 Buying monocropped land and converting it to regenerative agriculture - or helping people that want to do that. If you're not sure what that is and you have some spare time, watch "The Biggest Little Farm". One of the best things we can do environmentally in our food chain is to get rid of giant monocrop farms.

+14 @Capital_Punisher I feel like Bill Gates has a decent handle on world issues like this, certainly more so than me. With $100m to donate immediately, I reckon he would jump on a 15 minute call with suggestions. Even if the suggestions were ‘give it to my foundation’ he probably has a compelling reason to do so

+12 @Rochonski Homelessness, mental health and drug addiction are plagueing north america. Id be spending a lot more then 100m and it would be going strictly to social services such as rehab programs, shelters and affordable living with assistance programs. The rich need to do better for the world. Also all the animal shelters and rescues are getting fat stacks from me