If I were Filthy Rich
By LePetitMouton
+20 Would anyone stay in their current city?

I live in a large enough city with a large enough wealthy community that I feel like I could blend in well enough and still be able to maintain my friendships.

What about you?

Recent responses

+12 @BillsInATL Same. I'm in the heart of Atlanta in a "nice" neighborhood, but there are even nicer ones right near me in town. My dream $3M house is less than a mile away. Living among all the things, no one can tell right now which of us live in the normal family houses/neighborhoods, and who lives in the multi-million dollar mansions when we are all out and about. Hide in plain site. Folks that want to "hide" by building a 10,000 sqft house in the middle of no where arent hidden. Every local worker who helps build your house will know you are there, and the layout of your house. Everyone in the small town will talk about it. Here, in the city, I wouldnt even be the richest in the neighborhood and nobody cares either way.

+10 @TomCosella Yup. I live in a major city, so it'd be pretty easy